Fentons Naked Mom

I live in Savannah - Paula Deen central - and heard "paula deen hit in the face by ham" on the radio with absolutely no other explanation. I thought it was too good to be true!

Ahh, sweet, sweet internet drama. Where would we be without it?

This is a ridiculous thread! But I totally thought that some awkward inter-species fucking would ensue.

The best/worst part about that episode: the fat girl killed her date by accidentally crushing him during sex. I felt so empowered.

The Sabbath Queen
The woman Silas has visions of in the Sabbath Queen episode was so creepy. I interpreted her as a sort of angel telling Silas it was time to give up his crown as he'd promised during Michelle's illness. That's an episode I wish the AV Club would've reviewed; all the "mystical shit" was rather