Longtime Lurker

A milder version says he became exasperated at endless debates over where the building should be erected, so he simply went out onto his lawn and said it "Build it right here!"

Between Gilooly, Buttafucco, Lewinsky, John Wayne Bobbitt, and Kato Kaelin, there was definitely a Dickensian air to 1990s scandals. If Yamaguchi herself had been involved in a scandal, she would have fit right in.

At least you quoted her correctly and did not make the typical "Why me?" misquotation.

I would agree with you in most episodes, but she was really over-the-top (and completely in the wrong) in this one.

I don't think this show will really have much opportunity to think in terms of "how long."

C-SPAN used NBC footage when they aired assassination-related material on the 50th anniversary. (I don't know if they aired the direct aftermath footage, but they aired the funeral.)

And they shared the same bed also, right? (Or at least supposedly they did - if so little footage exists, maybe we can't know for sure.) I guess the rationale was that it was OK if they were married in real life, but CBS obviously applied a stricter standard to the Arnazes/Ricardos.

The explanation of the joke that I read many years ago on an snpp.com episode capsule basically matches yours. "The DuMont" indicates his television as a physical object, but "the old fourth network just as we are on the modern fourth network" is the intended undertone.

I think it officially moved to NBC Sports Network at some point. Maybe I will actually watch it the next time it airs (which seems to be a mini-marathon extending from 11:30 P.M. Wednesday to 1:30 A.M. on Thursday).

Yeah, there was no "but really…" transition at all. I am glad I am not the only one who noticed this.

Apparently he appeared (voiced by Hartman) in "Bart the Murderer," although I don't remember his scene.

I don't know - I thought the lack of women was part of the clue. Not only does Vatican City have a low population, but many of those who live there are priests.

Literally every online dictionary I checked included "a convent" as part of the definition of "nunnery."

I think the attitude behind these might be "Why waste effort on a clue that will never actually be used?" (I do wonder, though - when we sometimes see a very easy clue in a bottom row, is that a sign that perhaps an error occurred and the J6 clue had to be used?)

Burger kids?

She was in the movie they showed last night! I think they were showing it for Richard Burton (he is the Star of the Month and they aired several of his films in a row), but that is an interesting coincidence.

My understanding (although I defer to Thomas for confirmation or denial) is that people in this community consider "dwarf" acceptable and "midget" offensive. I don't really know the reasons behind that.

I don't think this joke would have made much sense unless I had (which I have).

I no longer fear hell. I have seen the last 15-20 seasons of The Simpsons. (Actually, they never got worse than Purgatory - Family Guy would be Hell.)

Like many people of my generation, I was dumb enough to watch Full House every week, and this is the only episode whose plot I remember. (I can remember a few jokes or situations here and there, but not really a whole plot.) RIP.