Longtime Lurker

I read a profile of Alex a few years ago in which he claimed that he actually does eat a Snickers bar for breakfast every day. Since he seems to be in good shape for his age, maybe that is not as bad an idea as it sounds.

In January 1998 (obviously we didn't have access to the grand jury testimony at that time, but I guess a similar "there is no relationship" phrasing must have been used in some public statement put out by Clinton or one of his people) my high school Global Issues (fancy term for a current events class) teacher picked

Yeah - I could maybe be convinced that he has served enough time and deserves an old-age compassionate release, but never that he was a hero who deserves a command performance of the most popular current musical. This lowers my opinion of Miranda quite a bit.

I still remember that they spoiled Of Mice and Men shortly before I read it for ninth-grade English.

No one would ever actually pronounce it that way, but if anyone did, it would probably be acceptable. Vowels in English have a tendency to be pronounced in unpredictable ways. Your other three examples, although they also involve vowels, seem more obviously wrong.

Some clues are just misbegotten from the start. I think that it is kind of unreasonable to expect someone in the moment to remember that Harry is imagining what the punk would say to himself, not addressing him directly. But that is a reason not to have the clue at all, not to be lenient on it.

You know, whatever other criticisms you can make of them, I think millennial feminists/so-called SJWs are more consistent in their principles than previous generations were. Look at how A Birth of a Nation (rightfully) immediately went from Oscar favorite to no-chance also-ran the moment those accusations emerged.

The article says that the real footage is between three and four minutes long. That might be worse instead of better if stays focused there the whole time - but we don't know that. Either way, this is just an excerpt.

Some of the comments don't really seem aware that this was a movie shoot. This was not some mishap that happened to Monroe as she walked down the street.

This website may or may not be reliable, and it may or may not reflect the law sixty years ago, but it says: "People can be photographed if they are in public (without their consent) unless they have secluded themselves and can expect a reasonable degree of privacy." http://content.photojojo.co…

Schulback seems to have been impressed that a famous movie star was down the street, not so much by what precisely she was there for. Far from using his three minutes of footage as some kind of private quasi-pornography, he lost it for several decades. I do find the whole concept of the scene to be kind of creepy,

That didn't really make sense, though - the robot was in storage (or so she thought) outside the school day, so her habits then should have been normal.

The Wonder Years also used to alternate between Winnie episodes and intense-crush-of-the-week episodes.

The usual modern convention is that "history plays" refers only to the plays that deal with English history - the term would not include Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra, or even Macbeth, even though those are all (unlike Troilus and Cressida) about real people. But the clue here was worded very delicately to

Sorry - I didn't mean to put down your schtick, which is often quite entertaining. But sometimes the clue writers do indeed have a clue (ha ha).

I meant more for the two wrong contestants than for you.

From an international law point of view you are right, but these states were acting as completely self-governing in every way. The pre-1776 colonial governments were no more. Especially in New England - as the main theater of war moved to NY/NJ/PA and then later to the South, the New England states were mostly

Have we reached the point where the Beatles are Before Your Time? (Chronologically they reached that point years ago, but I thought their fame had lasted.)

The second edit is actually pretty common. I believe it has even sneaked onto some Morrison greatest hits compilations. (The Daniels one mentioned below is also common.)

If it was after July 4, 1776, it was a state (even if the British did not recognize it as such).