Longtime Lurker

I know that Kardashian famously told Barbara Walters that he "had doubts," but there is any evidence that he was as guilt-ridden as the show implied? Did the vomiting really happen?

That makes sense. It would be weird for all the contestants to be craning their necks at those times.

In fairness to Alex, since this was a Monday game (always the first game on a taping day) and they only tape two days a week, there is a 50/50 chance that there really has been a break of several days (or even a few weeks) since the last group of games was taped.

I think the answers are:

I knew it was "Agricultural and Mechanical" but switched to "Agriculture and Mechanics" because they seemed to be asking for nouns. "Fields" are nouns, not adjectives.

SNL reruns (mostly from the Sandler & Co. years), Kids in the Hall reruns, and British Whose Line reruns seemed to be about 75 percent of the schedule well into the 2000s.

Maybe "selfish" by an extremely loose definition of the term (since he does seem to badly want to be liked), but "asshole?" Are we watching the same show?

Or more accurately, he is the hero of every episode in which he appears. He is not pathetic at all, but constantly cheerful even when things go (usually mildly) wrong for him. But yes, I admit that he does have a TV-show ailment that can come and go as necessary.

It would be more plausible for the kids to have more independent social lives from each other, but what can you do? I guess it would have been fun to see Tina with the pigeon, but she seemed to fit better where she was.

Or they just forgot - I mean, I would be surprised if they ever did promote this show properly.

I think classic rock, like oldies, has become a term that refers to a specific era and not just anything that is now old. Unfortunately, though, there are only so many synonyms for old to go around. (I think for a while programmers were trying to dub 1980s rock "retro," but it didn't catch on - and that is still

Not to pile on, but he frequently seems to be out of breath.

All he does is shout and look superior. Stewart and Colbert could be smug too, but they had a sense of how to set up a punchline, when to use a scalpel and when to use a sledgehammer, and just in general how to have a good comic delivery.

That was a remarkable near-comeback by Megan, since just a minute earlier she had been confusing Carson McCullers novels with Hallmark movies.

I don't consider him a ringer. "I studied for this really hard" should not be a disqualification. Even running a message board should not be. (I would love to see Jay S. appear on Jeopardy!, which is roughly the same thing.)

I don't know if this is meant to be a joke, but Labor Day is not related to those other movies.

Most Catholics, even practicing Catholics, would be at sea in the fusillade of Biblical verses in this article. (Sorry for the mixed metaphors.) That is a very specific type of evangelical style.

I assume [Billie] Jean King. Do her friends call her Jean?

I thought it was interesting that for a while there Lovecraft's popularity seemed to just grow and grow even while accusations of racism have been sinking the reputations of so many others. Maybe it was because he was only a writer, and (in his time) an unpopular one at that. Woodrow Wilson, for example, doesn't

I believe that is one of those "re-mastered" versions that has been updated since the original c. 2000 airing. The original tried to end on a hopeful note; the newer version basically has ten minutes of "No, everything was still terrible in this century."