Fender-Belly Bodine

Wat. No one tried to ban its release. It's a bland formulaic blockbuster movie. You're confusing the censor board and the court order that tried to ban its illegal downloads.

*calmly tweets Alan Ball's home address*

*Eternal September

Looks like Franco finally caught up with Sean.

Why are you being so edgy? Are you 15?

What's the point of this post?

His name is Toboggen, Mantis Toboggen.


"Rabid Dog"
Do we finally get a resolution for the dog that Jesse supposedly killed?

I don't think Carruth would be good match for Vonnegut. Too funny, too light-hearted, fatalistic and humanistic for him. 
Though if he ever adapts something, I could see him doing material like "Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius".