
I took a picture of him and his staff flinging their poo. Then we went to see the Polar Bears. They're neat!

If she knew, it wouldn't be lost. Also, and more important, you're not going to want to sit there.

Was it? If that's how you took it, I won't argue with you. But, is there some sort of history of Indian people eating snakes that I'm unaware of? Is this racist like the chicken and watermelon stereotype for blacks? How about Tacos for hispanics? When you saw that movie as a kid, did it scream racism to you? Or

A 13 year old me getting the crap kicked out of me in Boston after hearing some colorful racial slurs, versus a 16 year old me visiting family in Texas being told that I'm not allowed in a bowling alley because they're full. Which they weren't. And the smiles on their faces. Yeah. I'd rather fight and know

…pastrami and onion sandwich?

Jamie and Bronn should both be dead. Why, of all times, did Danny decide that the most narrow stream of fire was necessary to kill Bronn? She could have gone scorched earth like she had been, but…aw, fuck it. I was entertained.

Yeah, cause if there's one thing that solves problems, it's marriag—-Oh hi honey! I'm so glad you just walked in the room while I was saying how delightful marriag—of course your folks can stay here instead of getting a hotel.

Oh. You read the leaked scripts, huh? Way to spoil it, &@#$.

No need to guess. He clearly doesn't care about anything at all. Well, aside from making crude wedding night references. And trees.

Coldest. Threesome. Ever.

I can forgive him not being Colonels Extra Crispy if he drowns due to the 80lbs of armor. We all know he'll be fine, because…a….mermaid? But it'll still feel like a middle finger to my ability to suspend logic.

Danny…should just let the bend the knee thing go. I mean, you've got an ally in Jon. Why throw that out the window for subservience?

Overtly! Which is the best kind of racism. At least they're honest.

From now on, I'm just going to think that Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood (the Eddie Murphy sketch) is offensive because the black dude was in the hood. That just perpetuates the stereotype that all black people live in the ghetto.

Unless Shaquille O'Neal shows up in the next episode after having jumped 10 feet in the freaking air to save Jamie, I'm calling bullshit. Bullshit, I say!

That's what I got out of it. Again, I don't want to shit on somebody's perspective, but I read a comment the other day that said the person was offended by Indiana Jones and Temple of Doom because the Indian people ate "gross" food and that's a stereotype. Ok. If that's how they want to take it. I just took it as

I…wow. Can't argue her opinion, but I never took Pat as trans. More sexually androgynous. I'm just worried that the constant feeling of affront that's being put out (and it is justified in some cases) is going to start to dilute the message. I hope not, but when I read this articles headline, the thing that went

This was one of the most enjoyable reviews I've ever read, and I haven't watched the show! Nor do I have any intention of ever doing so! These reviews are just delightful though. Helluva a job, Vinnie. Thanks!

I met Tom Hardy once. Well, not exactly met face to face. More like he drove by me while I was begging for change. Good guy. Nice car.

The Secret Service are minorities? Damnit! We should have learned our lessons from that Denny's experience.