Wait. Carlos Danzig, or Glenn Danzig?
They way I do it, they don't. …I suffered a very serious injury that has left my genitals looking like a bowl of congealed Raman Noodles. It's…horrific.
Hey! You guys remember when Chief O'Brien, Worf, and Dr. Bahir went back in time to the original series and went to a bar and the waitress was all like "Whoa, there are a bunch of Klingon's here!" and everybody was all "Where?!" and she pointed them out ***takes quick inhaler break*** and they were all "Those are…
Well, if those geniuses at Ruffles were involved, those ridges are full of flavor.
I don't know why he would go on a diet. With that figure?
Oh, so NOW you want to have a sense of decency and self respect?
Bah. Bah, I say! What's Bill Murray ever done aside from bring happiness and joy to our miserable lives?!
I WISH this was the craziest Twitter rant in the last 6 hours. Step ya game up kid!
And what of us, the discerning Judge Wapner fans?
…HBO should totally make a show about this.
Ha! You said "blow itself."
What is this? Zombielandohmygreatgodijustnowgotit.
Donald Trump is a Democratic double-agent, implanted in the Republican party to destroy it from within. Milk People is actually his handlers code name. If you remove every third vowel and every 8 consonant from his tweets, it reveals the location of Jimmy Carter's gold.
Best. Update. Ever.
When you hear Roland's side of the story, those kids were kind of asking for it.
They sound neat.
So it's not about the size of the movie, but the way you use it? I wish I could believe that. I really, really, really do.