Sky Commander Winky

I just finished watching this episode for the first time, and, yeah, I am totally fucking on-board with "The Vampire Diaries" (I just wish it had a title that didn't embarrass me to say aloud).

Gimmick account?

I thought the episode was really cooking until the Jersey Shore segment (ANOTHER!). And seriously, what the fuck was the point of this one? B&B didn't even make any new jokes about it; they pretty much just fell asleep. I really suspect that MTV imposed some kind of Jersey Shore quota on Judge. Yeah, a couple of these

I don't think Claire or the other TV Club writers are necessarily saying with their ballots that these are "the finest" television programs quality-wise, but rather their ballots represent the television programs about which they were most passionate.

Touche. Nerd rage suppressed for the time being.

I guess what specifically bothered me about the memory-loss/shock-treatment ending was that it seemed out-of-character for Carrie to want to go through with it, especially after Saul told her that she was right about her Nazir timeline theory. That was in-show evidence that her craziness was what made her good at her

This was a truly great episode of television— or at least it was, until the last 5 minutes.

Who was Cindy talking to on the phone throughout the episode? Was it mentioned and I missed it? Was she using a lifeline?


On the TV Guide Survivor Preview special,

Jane Levy is really great. The dance scene was perfect.

I think there are 2 episodes of The League on tonight (10:30 & 11pm), as well as 2 episodes of Beavis & Butt-head (10 & 11pm). So that's cool.

Agreed. I had to stop reading. I'll begrudgingly watch this shit because of Patton.

Patrick Wilson kind of looks like Will Arnett. Would it be a better show if Will Arnett was the lead?

Caviezel is dragging this show down for me. WAY down. Why did CBS and the studio blow so much $$$ on Caviezel when they could've gotten a six foot block of wood for so much less?

Like, if Gus was such a huge kingpin, how had they not run across him before?

Best show of the night. The opening sequence alone got more laughs out of me than Modern Family, Happy Endings, or Up All Night combined. Alan Tudyk's character has been toned down and felt like an actual person. It is strange how much this show is like the network version of Awkward., even though this episode was

I was prepared to like this in spite of all the negative buzz.

"David" Grayson = Daniel

If she studied abroad in Barcelona in 2005, she's at least 24.