
I saw the original three when I was 10 years old in 1993. We did not grow up with a lot of money so my mother took us to the public library every Saturday to get books and movies. One day my mom saw Star Wars A New Hope was there and checked it out. We watched that night and I fell in love with the story. I loved Luke

I'm reading The Crystal Cave by Mary Stewart. I found out about it on Goodreads because I read the Mist of Avalon. I am also reading the third book in the Expanse series which I am excited about. The books are great space operas. I am still finishing The Glass of Time by Michael Cox. I am someone who loves reading

I am on the fence with trusting Nikki's motives. Part of me is like she seems like this okay girl who loves Ray and bridge, but then she does shady things like fake i.d.and the break in to where I side eye her. I guess I need to know what she did to end up on parole to know for sure if I can.

No, I get the same vibe.

Sy's loyalty to Emmit is some what enduring but also confusing. I guess we have to get more answers as why he hates Ray, but loves Emmitt.

She played Makayla's adopted mom on How to Get Away with Murder this season.

I have theories already about the East German open. Either someone is related to Jakob the innocent man or they are him. Or they are Yuri the real killer or related to him.

Yes is was Sisyphus pushing the rock. I just said that to my mom as we were watching the show.

There had to be a real world Lenny because Syd has seen and interacted with her. She also apologized for killing her.

WTF was that?! Does anyone have any clue what just kidnapped David?

I completely agree. She has been waiting all this time to have the physical Oliver back and to lose him like this is just painful. There is no telling what of the Oliver we have come to love will still be left when SK is done with him.

I love how Syd just does not care about how powerful SK believes itself to be. She will do anything to protect David.

I am just glad that both Audrey and Jermaine will be back on the show at some point. I hope they do a web comic to tell the audience what their insane road trip is going to be like in between season 1 and 2.

What shocked me this episode was the change in Bette and Joan. Joan was presented as the one who knows how to play the Hollywood game and Bette as the one who scorned it. Yet in this episode Joan cannot bring herself to play anymore and Bette is doing everything she can to keep herself out there.

The chalk board brainstorm is everything. They explain everything to David and us the audience. I just love it!

I feel bad for Melanie she waited all this time to see Oliver again, and he does not even remember her. I wonder why that is? Maybe he was in Astral plane for so long he lost touch with his own reality?

I love how the hospital illusion has become chaos the moment SK's control started to slip. Big difference from last week victory dance. SK should have never celebrated that jinxed it.

Does the Shadow King have his own physical body or does he/she never have their own body?

I have read the first two books and I cannot wait for the Ganymede Station incident I shall call it. I feel things will really kick into overdrive because after that Mars becomes more involved with the main story a bit more.

I have not watch the Young Pope. I keep meaning to but something always stops me. Is it any good?