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War is good at developing new technology quickly, and boosting the economy, especially if a country manufactures weapons, but isn't personally involved in the war. But that doesn't really fit into a lyrical structure.

I'm confident that if I ever want to see that, there are places on the internet where I can see those parts of the movie and not have to sit through the rest of a mediocre adaptation.

I'm confident that if I ever want to see that, there are places on the internet where I can see those parts of the movie and not have to sit through the rest of a mediocre adaptation.

Cassady did plenty of shitty things to his friends and family, but got away with it because he was entertaining and his own upbringing was pretty terrible. I mean he basically abandoned his wife and kids to go take acid and drive a bus around.

Cassady did plenty of shitty things to his friends and family, but got away with it because he was entertaining and his own upbringing was pretty terrible. I mean he basically abandoned his wife and kids to go take acid and drive a bus around.

I think the problem is that they cut out all the boring parts. They mostly show the the shit people have to do to get the drugs, instead of sitting around, scratching themselves and staring at the wall for hours. Being around someone on heroin is the best anti-drug.

I think the problem is that they cut out all the boring parts. They mostly show the the shit people have to do to get the drugs, instead of sitting around, scratching themselves and staring at the wall for hours. Being around someone on heroin is the best anti-drug.

Does it allude to the fact that one of the leads fucks dudes and the other obviously wants to fuck him but is too repressed because of his Catholic upbringing? Or did someone just call Carlo Marx a sissy for laughs.

Does it allude to the fact that one of the leads fucks dudes and the other obviously wants to fuck him but is too repressed because of his Catholic upbringing? Or did someone just call Carlo Marx a sissy for laughs.

Yet another thing the hippies ruined for everybody.

Yet another thing the hippies ruined for everybody.

Yes, there's a sweet spot age to read it at. It's really more interesting as part of a longer story with the rest of Kerouac's depressing life saga. It's the high point of his idealism, before he gets all depressed after the publication of the book and drinks himself to death (spoiler).

Yes, there's a sweet spot age to read it at. It's really more interesting as part of a longer story with the rest of Kerouac's depressing life saga. It's the high point of his idealism, before he gets all depressed after the publication of the book and drinks himself to death (spoiler).

I wrote it off when I heard the female casting, It seems like you could switch the two female leads and it might work, but I don't think Kristen Stewart can play a freewheeling teenager, enchanted and annoyed by her new husband. She just looks like a disapproving mother.

I wrote it off when I heard the female casting, It seems like you could switch the two female leads and it might work, but I don't think Kristen Stewart can play a freewheeling teenager, enchanted and annoyed by her new husband. She just looks like a disapproving mother.

There's a Las Vegas in New Mexico, maybe that's what you're thinking of. The other one is just a model made of gaffer's tape and Christmas lights.

There's a Las Vegas in New Mexico, maybe that's what you're thinking of. The other one is just a model made of gaffer's tape and Christmas lights.

Ice…we can't afford ice.

Ice…we can't afford ice.

Never trust anyone whose economy was brought down by flowers.