Norton I Emperor of these Unit

Never trust anyone whose economy was brought down by flowers.

You can afford hand sanitizer? I've been chugging vanilla extract at the supermarket.

You can afford hand sanitizer? I've been chugging vanilla extract at the supermarket.

It's kind of sad how they fall apart when you beat them in a drinking contest.

It's kind of sad how they fall apart when you beat them in a drinking contest.

*Does penis tricks to cut the tension*

*Does penis tricks to cut the tension*

Daniel Craig?!

Daniel Craig?!

Whoever puts up the signs at the Burger King by my house seems to think that Wop is short for Whopper.

Whoever puts up the signs at the Burger King by my house seems to think that Wop is short for Whopper.

He mostly wrote drinking songs. Angry angry drinking songs.

He mostly wrote drinking songs. Angry angry drinking songs.

Just fat.

Just fat.

The Russians autopsied him, and we all know how reliable they are for information.  He seems to have kept his ladies on the verge of suicide though.

The Russians autopsied him, and we all know how reliable they are for information.  He seems to have kept his ladies on the verge of suicide though.

A lone holdout attempts to convince the remaining eleven jury members that the young defendant, whose rough background seems to make him the perfect suspect, may not have been given a fair trial - while never forgetting his background and skills as a DJ.

A lone holdout attempts to convince the remaining eleven jury members that the young defendant, whose rough background seems to make him the perfect suspect, may not have been given a fair trial - while never forgetting his background and skills as a DJ.

You misspelled ninja nepotism.