Norton I Emperor of these Unit

It's the more masculine pronunciation.

It's the more masculine pronunciation.

These guys are pros. They're gonna push the tension till the last possible moment before they strip.

These guys are pros. They're gonna push the tension till the last possible moment before they strip.

I think it's a baby knife fight.

I think it's a baby knife fight.

I'm from the future, and we learned both those things this week too.

I think I heard that too. This rumor is now confirmed. Let's take it to press.

I think I heard that too. This rumor is now confirmed. Let's take it to press.

I think Obama needs to sit us down to have a national discussion about the state of out comedy clubs and how we can all pull together to make sure hacky comedians don't feel backed into a corner and lash out with terrible shock statements. FDR would have done it.

I think Obama needs to sit us down to have a national discussion about the state of out comedy clubs and how we can all pull together to make sure hacky comedians don't feel backed into a corner and lash out with terrible shock statements. FDR would have done it.

Except it violates the 3rd amendment.  The first thing to do is get Dane on drug charges so his house can be seized. Then we can quarter all the troops we want.

Except it violates the 3rd amendment.  The first thing to do is get Dane on drug charges so his house can be seized. Then we can quarter all the troops we want.

@Scrawler2:disqus Perhaps if he'd made some remark about how easy it is for people with mental illness to get a gun into a crowded theater to try to get across whatever convoluted point they have. Then pulled out a gun he'd bought at a gun show earlier and pointed it at the audience while telling a joke about blowjobs.

@Scrawler2:disqus Perhaps if he'd made some remark about how easy it is for people with mental illness to get a gun into a crowded theater to try to get across whatever convoluted point they have. Then pulled out a gun he'd bought at a gun show earlier and pointed it at the audience while telling a joke about blowjobs.

@avclub-e576423831e043f7928d9ac113abbe6f:disqus   Because then people will assume you're referencing the Clintons.

@avclub-e576423831e043f7928d9ac113abbe6f:disqus   Because then people will assume you're referencing the Clintons.

@avclub-e576423831e043f7928d9ac113abbe6f:disqus   Because then people will assume you're referencing the Clintons.

I really hope the answer was "The character in the song is an amalgamation of several different people I used to know, which makes them think the song is about them, but lets me say 'no, you're just a vain son of a bitch.'"

I really hope the answer was "The character in the song is an amalgamation of several different people I used to know, which makes them think the song is about them, but lets me say 'no, you're just a vain son of a bitch.'"