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I've become increasingly convinced that macho working-class values are something dreamed up by corporations in order to sell more shitty beer and disposable cups.

Everything that happened in the Simpsons was a figment of Ralph's imagination as he stared blankly at a bent wookie.

I heard he's the guy who was keeping all those people chained up in caves.

Quite a bit actually, but you'd have to find a buyer who is not afraid of exotic diseases or the cops.

I really only like Fritos in pies.

Sounds like someone was as disappointed with the casting of Trillian as I was, RickB.

And all that penetration.

Snake and Bacon?

Maybe we'd pay more attention to those groups if they were a little more theatrical.

That's really more of a high-one. High-three if you position yourself right.

Stupid fucking white man.

Amby Sander?

Sucker Punch is a scathing indictment of fanboy misogyny that is both obvious and clearly-articulated…to Zack Snyder.

Actors are not the same as characters.

In the meantime you'll have to do with Breaking Bad paper dolls.

While there is one definitive experiment to prove or disprove the existence of god, I'd like to put off discovery for quite some time. Until then everything is just an unverifiable hypothesis.

Oh, vagina. That makes a lot more sense. Here I thought we were talking about the year of the Virginian.

Vagina Holiday?

I thought man was a walking abortion, and that's why Andy Warhol has to die.

Elegant Victorian Lady is still unconscious from her last post.