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    He goes into a bar full of non-grotesque blacks. Should I go back and count the exact number, or is it just $50 for the lot.

    He goes into a bar full of non-grotesque blacks. Should I go back and count the exact number, or is it just $50 for the lot.

    Maybe the sub-Andy Borowitz cold open put me in a bad mood, but I hated it.

    Maybe the sub-Andy Borowitz cold open put me in a bad mood, but I hated it.

    Watch an episode post-Season 15 then. Because they do much better than this one at least half the time. Switching to HD revitalised it somehow. (I have no idea why?)

    Watch an episode post-Season 15 then. Because they do much better than this one at least half the time. Switching to HD revitalised it somehow. (I have no idea why?)

    That's always been the case. Always.

    That's always been the case. Always.

    Anyone out there who's seen it and can explain the ending to me? I didn't really get it when I saw it earlier this year. SPOILER. Y'know, when he's back at that woman's house without the hair and stuff?

    Anyone out there who's seen it and can explain the ending to me? I didn't really get it when I saw it earlier this year. SPOILER. Y'know, when he's back at that woman's house without the hair and stuff?



    Actually, the actor is quite good. It's just he's given very very little to do on The Office.
    A Kevin spinoff would be a god awful idea. But a Harris Wittels-written sitcom starring anyone is reason to smile.

    Actually, the actor is quite good. It's just he's given very very little to do on The Office.
    A Kevin spinoff would be a god awful idea. But a Harris Wittels-written sitcom starring anyone is reason to smile.

    Oh shit, you're right. Forget it then.

    Oh shit, you're right. Forget it then.

    Not what "revisionist western" means.

    Not what "revisionist western" means.

    You don't think The Assassination of Jesse James would have been produced *15 years later* without Unforgiven? That makes no sense.

    You don't think The Assassination of Jesse James would have been produced *15 years later* without Unforgiven? That makes no sense.