
The puppy is locked in a cage.  In a locked room.  And the puppy cannot shift except between the puppy and a human.  How woukd you propose to extract the puppy from the room?  (Until the escape plan goes off and all the doors open, at which point they DO take the puppy.)

The puppy is locked in a cage.  In a locked room.  And the puppy cannot shift except between the puppy and a human.  How woukd you propose to extract the puppy from the room?  (Until the escape plan goes off and all the doors open, at which point they DO take the puppy.)

Spoiler Included

Spoiler Included

I was wondering when someone would bring up the ShovelCam.

And finally, in my late fit of commentary, I would not surmise, as our Faithful Reviewer does, that the poison is either ricin (as commenter Captain George McGillicuddy points out, it could not be) or something poetic, as it were.  To judge by the symptoms and apparently predictable timeline of pharmacokinesis, and

Oh, and in a nice moment un-highlighted by our Faithful Reviewer, I think the point of Tyrus pulling up directly after W.J. departed was that there are certain limits as far as children go — even Tyrus (or, one might extrapolate, even Gus, [MILD SPOILER] looking forward to Mr. White's arguments in the remaining

Yes, Jesse has always been Mr. White's surrogate son throughout in some sense — particularly in that hair-raising (as our Faithful Reviewer so well puts it, in another context in this episode) moment when Mr. White and Q (again, props to our Faithful Reviewer) palaver before the inevitability presaged by the eyeball

I went back to read the "Hermanos" review after our Faithful Reviewer took what appeared to be due credit for calling the nature of the hubris, atë, and nemesis (or at least nemesis) of Mr. Fring's ultimate demise.  But having reread it, I can't say I see how he called it beyond generalized statements about his