A Word with Chester

Essential reading for kids
Phantom Tollbooth. That is all.

Anywhere I can see this for free?
Alas I do not have HBO. Is there a site anyone knows of that I can find this show for free?

or rather, unaware of?

Chicken Bittle!
I was a little disappointed that they didn't ask him about his voice work on the ATHF movie (I know it was only a small role), and surprised that as far as I can see no one else has mentioned it. Is there some sort of ATHF hate on this site that I am unaware if?

I agree Snape, Mencia is just awful and Rogan would certainly pummel him. Mencia is one of those faux-edgy comics who put their hands up to their mouths all innocent-like after their jokes like "Ooh did I just say that? Oh man I'm controversial" even though it's all been said before: in Mencia's case sometimes said…

New from Universal "Joe Rogan: Joke Cop"

If I got to choose a coast…
I gots to choose the East
I live out there
So don't go there

At least Eli isn't in every other commercial.

As a big Giants fan I will admit there is a long-running problem with violence in the organization. I seem to remember pro-bowl center Bart Oates attempting to arrange the death of actress Linda Hamilton a few years back.

Wildcard you say?
You can always approach the celebs masquerading as n oilman