Human J. Manperson

He definitely could be reelected, especially as long as mainstream Republicans hold their noses and stick with him. Even though Trump's approval ratings are at historic lows for someone at this point in office (and have been since he entered office), Trump's aggregate poll approval numbers among likely voters have

Breaking the rules was one of those things you could only get away with once. Access journalism wasn't born yesterday. It wasn't necessarily against the law to report that FDR was a cripple (in the parlance of their times), but reporters didn't do it.

My recollection is that they couldn't quote Tumulty either. His interactions with the press were more of what would be called a "gaggle" today. Formal briefings came much later, and until Nixon set aside space for a briefing room, reporters spent the vast majority of their time loitering in the West Wing lobby.

Negotiations continue with Ultimatte…

Mega-dittoes from Rush Limbaugh.

Too lazy to go to war? He's not going to be doing the fighting. All he has to do is make a phone call.

Did the AV Club presidential historian take the day off? Daily press briefings have definitely not been around for 100 years. Reporters weren't even allowed to quote the president on the record until Eisenhower.

♫ Oooo-OOOOOO-oooo! ♫


We learned a Lot.

Shit My God Says

There couldn't be a bigger contrast between the disdain (intentionally or not) that he showed for Letterman in that sketch and his weepy blubbering in his last appearance with Letterman.

Or any sentence that begins with, "So, I says to the guy… "

He is a joke, he cannot make jokes…

He'd have to be impeached first.
*sad trombone*

My toddler loooooves Merv!

"Everything I do is the best thing ever" is not terribly complex.


I also came up with the title "Lick My Love Pump." That was me.

It was just a small million-dollar loan.