These eyebrows come together in a most unappealing way!
These eyebrows come together in a most unappealing way!
Doing almost anything live and unscripted on national television was quite novel at the time. This was well after Golden Age live TV died off, but long before the reality competition programs made live prime time shows fairly commonplace again. In the mid-80s, you had news, sports, home shopping and Saturday Night…
It did get a little ridiculous after a while. Remember when that guy had a marker hidden underneath the goalpost padding, signed his touchdown ball, and tossed it into the crowd?
MNF got extraordinarily lucky by having Are You Ready for Some Football catch on in a big way. If I remember correctly, it was supposed only supposed to be a one-off thing. Team Ebersol has been trying to capture lightning in a bottle again.
'Cause you see… you see, you see, there were these two elephants, see? What do they call them, Symbionese or something? And there was a dwarf, too okay? I'm allowed to say dwarf, right? And people would say, they'd say the dwarf and elephant were lovers. Because the elephant was a known whore…
The edited highlights we've all seen a thousand times are hilarious. The original shows with extraordinarily overlong sketches and self-indulgent musical numbers was overrated.
That was the Japanese title for Backdraft.
Classified earmail!
Trump is good at is knowing how to rile up a crowd. Thinking there's a broader game plan to any of this is giving him too much credit.
Shepard Smith didn't come out as gay on the air. He gave a print interview where somebody asked him if Ailes told him he couldn't come out, and Shep said nope.
It's part of the U-Verse Raging Racists bundle.
He and Bannon could buy One American News, the channel that has been running all of his speeches in their entirety. They're already in bed together, might as well do the deed.
They also made the strange decision to try to focus on US news coverage — where they previously had almost no footprint — rather than sticking to what they're known for. It was like the top-rated station in Pittsburgh deciding they were going to do a newscast in Wichita. Why?
And Howard Stern.
But do they still get kinda white in the center?
There was an exchange not too long ago on Real Time where Neil DeGrasse Tyson noted that liberals can be just as willfully ignorant as conservatives on some things. Bill Maher demanded examples, and Tyson came up with GMOs, vaccines and pharmaceuticals.
Any foodstuff where the cheese is indistinguishable from the sausage ought to be highly suspect.
I grew up on frozen pizza and will not have it impugned.
I fear them because my grandmother used them exclusively to make terrible, terrible cornbread. Can't get the smell out of my head.
The pizzas were flash-frozen by Superman's breath.