Human J. Manperson

It wouldn't surprise me if he did some random looping in the movie. He did on the original series.

His son prefers to be called Flynn.

The Motion Picture should have done what the animated series did: Bring back the main cast, and then have James Doohan play every other character.

"I was out of beer by Vietnam" sounds like a John Prine song.

You clearly aren't reading Facebook posts talking about how awesome Nicelodeon was when Keenan & Kel was on.

Between Forrest's mother borderline prostituting herself to get him into a mainstream school, the sex, and the AIDS, it does seem strange to classify it as family friendly. I guess as long as it's done subtly enough that it can be slipped by kids?

The whole premise of Bosom Buddies was confusion over Peter Scolari's parts.

It's still weird to see him in behind-the-scenes interviews while they were shooting the film, still dressed as Gump but acting in every other way like Tom Hanks. It's a little creepy.

Since he shaved off his mustache, he's been dead to me.

In Australia, your ejaculate flows backwards.

There are hundreds of articles and probably thousands of hours of TV time that have been devoted to criticizing him for all of those things. (What more is the media supposed to do about the tax returns? You can't "vet" something he won't turn over and can't be forced to turn over.) The New York Times even devoted a

No, basically every Republican condemned Trump for that, except for Cruz and Carson. And even they didn't "defend" him, they just tried to avoid the question. They were still in their phase of trying to draft in Trump's wake, assuming Trump would flame out and then they could pick up his supporters.


This is ridiculous. "The press" (whatever that nebulous term means anymore) has been hammering Trump ever since he started. Find a single segment on a cable network not named Fox in the past year where the thrust of the analysis was, "Gee, you know, I think this plucky Trump gent may be an intelligent individual and

You think Democrats (including Hillary) haven't mentioned these things? He doesn't care and his supporters don't care, largely because they aren't swayed by facts of any sort.

Could I cook and eat you?

I'm here to fix deine kabel.

It was a lot catchier than Red Ass.

There's some truth to that, but he can still turn cold on a dime if he doesn't like the direction an interview is going, doesn't matter whether the question is legit or not. It's one thing to blow your top at Chris Wallace, but he nearly took the heads off of Christiane Amanpour and Peter Jennings, for God's sake.