Meesa using Drop D tuning!
Meesa using Drop D tuning!
For Monday Night Football, ESPN has started dropping the scoreboard once the play begins, leaving only an MNF watermark. I can't think of another time in recent memory where a network has actually tried removing clutter from the screen.
I vote for a good ol' fashioned witch burning bump shot.
If Fox is televising a game in a city that has a "Fox Theater," you can bet on it appearing in a bumper at some point. It was clever the first 216 times.
Good niiiiiight, and have a pleasant to-mor-row!!!!
Vontaze me, bro!
Featuring Bill Nunn as Pandora Raheem.
She Has a Damn Headache, Alright?
I love imagining that casting session. "Who would be perfect as Schmidt and Nick's road trip buddies? How about Fred Melamed and Nelson Franklin!"
I just wish Deschanel didn't nasal up her voice every time she sings. It makes her sound like a Victrola recording.
*something* *something* …his agent still got ten percent?
Only if it remains snaggled for four hours.
Is there any other character who has been played solely by one guy for so long? During their heyday, some of Mel Blanc's classic Warner characters were occasionally played by other people on records and whatnot. But even shows that are doing unauthorized parodies of Scooby-Doo still hire Frank to play Fred.
But those were all vegetarian sandwiches, according to the highly revisionist wishful thinking of Casey Kasem.
This generation can never match the wit and pathos of The Widettes, a sketch about a family with enormous asses.
These cameras are really heavy!
And could you give me some lines while you're at it?
I don't hate him. I'm just bemused by people who seem to think there's only one correct way to be silly.
Yes, quite a few critics really missed the forest for the trees.
Well done, O'Neal.