You know what I l-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ike… ?
You know what I l-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ike… ?
Is Roy Innis busy tonight?
See also: Greta Van Susteren
Schwarzenegger is impressive, but does he really look more inhuman than Benny Urquidez? That guy's got a face like a latex mask.
I was always amazed at the number of critics who watched The Matrix when it came out and wrote in their reviews, "…but they never reveal what The Matrix really is."
But not entirely. Producers often budget with the expectation that a certain percentage of prizes will be turned down by contestants who want to avoid the tax bill. But a cash prize is always accepted since the tax is deducted right out of the award.
Allegedly one reason they offer so many vacations now on The Price…
He did a guest spot on Wayne Brady's version a few years ago where he went back to his old pull-a-deal-out-of-his-ass ways.…
It was always a treat to get a few seconds of Pissed Off Bob.
You'd never make it in The Great Escape.
Or so my wife says.
Meh, so was one of our presidential candidates.
Except the Clydesdales would be shitting everywhere.
The short answer is, yes. Most packaged goods companies don't advertise that way anymore. If they don't want to pay for an ordinary TV commercial, there are now online ads, native advertising, and other non-traditional ways to get seen.
Not so much anymore. Most reputable companies have gotten out of the game show advertising business, so a show that wants decent prizes has to buy most of them out of their own budget. On The Price is Right, watch how many trips they give away now where they don't even mention the name of the hotel because no nice…
Monty had an affable used car salesman thing going for him, which was an appropriate vibe for this game. And he actually owned the show, so he knew it inside and out.
YOLO, lulz!
But at least that's not explicitly a part of the game. They used to play a blackjack game called Hit Me where Bob would specifically say, "Okay, now you need to choose the thing with a price tag that is TEN TIMES what it actually costs," and the contestant would choose a price that ended in a 2.
I don't know if it's "respect" he wants so much as it he's a guy who takes lowbrow comedy very seriously, and that can make him tedious to work with. You can see in several Seinfeld bloopers Richards getting genuinely annoyed with other actors for breaking (including threatening to hit Julia Louis-Dreyfus with a 2X4)…
Supposedly that actually happened on the first season or two of SCTV. The online editor didn't understand their humor and wasn't being supervised by the writers, so he literally just added laughs whenever the characters weren't talking, assuming that's where the joke was.
There's probably a reason he's selling it now.