Human J. Manperson

Why would it cost Carlson her career? I don't think there's any reasonable person who can still look at the facts of this case (including that she apparently has actual recordings of Ailes harrassing her in the grossest possible terms) and come away thinking, "Oh, Gretchen was just being a troublemaker."

I hate that you're making me be fair to Phyllis Schlafly, but my understanding is not that she tried to prevent her nephew from using his own name. She was fighting her nephew's attempt to trademark the family name for his beer. That's a pretty petty thing to do — and her goal was apparently to make it more

I think you mean "news channel." Adding the quotation marks cuts the costs by a good 70% at least.

He's too busy making sure Al Franken doesn't write any more books with his photo on the cover.

Self-respect? This is the person who went out of her way to reassure "all the kids watching at home" that Santa is white.

It's also worth noting that she's the first person in the Fox prime time lineup to go away since Alan Colmes, and that was 7 years ago. I think it's the first Fox prime time show to be canceled entirely since they fired Paula Zahn, six days before 9/11.

They're not silent. They're praising it. He's "disciplined"!

He also said that in the meeting with Trump, at which point the Trump people said, "We don't want to talk about that… until we get back to the U.S. and a room full of white people."

How will WGN pay for Mama's Family reruns?

Congratulations on inventing the YouTube video! They had 45 minutes to fill, you know.

Huh? I've never seen any indication that Jamie and Adam did less work than the other three.

In fairness, that seems to be because so many interviewers think that's a fascinating aspect of the show (and maybe it is to people who don't read a lot of Adam-n-Jamie interviews). I got to do a brief interview with Adam a few years ago, and neither he nor I ever brought up his feelings about Jamie.

Based on how many times he faceplanted on Mythbusters it's probably just a matter of time.

Or his executive producers.

Unless you've been wondering "Where could I watch 227 for free online?"

But too busy to moderate a debate this year.

Nobody wanted to tell you, but you look like Wilford Brimley.

Why is it so goddamn hot in here?

That was Jim Cummings.

*crowd boos at sight of new Tropicana carton*