My pulse will be quickenin' with each drop of strychnin'.
My pulse will be quickenin' with each drop of strychnin'.
That is uncommonly generous severance. I've found that different people define the word "layoff" differently. It originally meant an indefinite furlough, with the possibility of being immediately rehired at some point if business picked up. Most companies don't do that anymore, so layoff has morphed into a…
Can we also agree that the sort-of-looks-like-a-newscast comedy format is getting a bit tired by now? At this point, you have Weekend Update, TDS, The Late Show, Late Night, Last Week Tonight, and Full Frontal all doing some aspect of Person Behind a Desk with a Series of Graphic Gags and TV Clips. The closest we've…
That's debatable. You can't copyright a title, although there's a gentleman's agreement in the industry to avoid duplication. And there could be a legal case to make if you could plausibly argue that some people might tune into Wilmore thinking they're going to see the TV spinoff, but that's pretty damn weak.
He even does that little stiff-necked thing at the end of a punchline to telegraph to people Now is the Time That You Laugh.
Only if they're firing you for cause. If it's for a reason you can't control (downsizing, outsourcing, eliminating the division you work for, etc.), it's usually pretty damn easy.
Or Edith.
Nothing like a good tuque strip tease.
You're thinking of Jehosephat, fourth king of Judah. That guy was the shit.
Forget animation, this is how it works in pretty much the entire entertainment industry in the back offices. Who here thinks writers' assistants and assistant editors get paid overtime when they go over 8?
If you mean having analingus with a sheep… then yes.
In that case, it's not Andy Dick.
They don't spare the rod.
I'm 99% sure that phrase was introduced in the Dana Carvey parody, and McLaughlin adopted it for his real show. I used to watch the show a lot, and I don't remember him ever saying it before SNL.
The very idea of Hanna-Barbera attempting a series based around action scenes is laughable to begin with. And I'll never understand how Hoyt Curtin managed to make so many brassy theme songs that could put you to sleep
The "Clear Channel aspect of it" is so overblown, it's gotten absurd. Yes, the law accelerated consolidation, but that saved a lot of stations that were withering anyway. There are still small and medium-sized communities all over the country with "live and local" radio stations. You don't listen to them, because…