Human J. Manperson

Copyright infringement for spoilers seems like a pretty weak case unless they're actually posting scripts or work prints. I would sooner make a case for tortuous interference. Presumably anyone who has primary access to this specific spoiling information probably has signed an non-disclosure agreement. It could be

Counterpoint: the premiere of Season 4.

In the right part of town, you don't have to pay for a reacharound.

It's messed up that he knows.

I'll take two-and-a-half seasons and a Rick and Morty.


Welcome to the 70s.

Steve Harvey mostly just shames black women, so it's okay.

It was gold, Jerry! Gold!

Not just black. Black, and not entirely submissive-like. Scary!

Better yet, turn it into an unclever dickish nickname like "Dr. Luke."

*Han Solo blows off one of Rahm Emanuel's fingers*

All videotapes that have Penn Jillette's voice on them automatically self-destruct after a certain period of time.

But if Comedy Central hadn't gone looking for a stable of other programs to surround Chappelle, they would have been (rightly) blamed for not having any sort of plan other than cashing Dave checks for as long as he's still doing the show.

Witness the epic battle between Shatner's gut and his girdle.

Zbornak This Way

Rejected slogan: You'll Rue the day!

Safety aside, that sounds like an incredible pain in the ass.

I got a Chrysler a few years ago, and I generally like it. However, I had a problem a few months ago where the transmission went all wonky for a few seconds with really jerky motion. I discovered that there was some sort of issue with that particular transmission that Chrysler had known about for a couple of years,

It's also catchier than Two Guys With No Expierience Making Food Restaurant.