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    "Remember In Good Company? Let's make a TV show out of it, and get the star's ex to play the equivalent role!"

    NOT PICTURED: the bachelor goes trolling for cock on the Golden Gate Bridge.

    Huh. I would have gone with "hugs loved ones."

    We tried explaining it to you last night.


    They have room for 2.5 men, 2 broke girls and 5.0 Hawaiis.

    More like "Carol Burnett DEAD"!

    How much of a part did The Chris Gethard Show play in curing your blindness, though?

    Cutting-edge snark! You really took SNL down a peg!

    Yeah, no one who's about 40 could be a sex symbol and/or should age less gracefully than @avclub-6c6094f256f51e83fe02bce6091163e7:disqus.

    What, the guy who pages existing commenters who've been here forever?

    Paging Elrond Hubbard, Elven Scientologist…

    Liked for avatar/comment synergy.

    Does anyone have any neighbors of other nationalities who'd care to weigh in?

    I'm really enjoying it. It's not a total throwback - it's more muscular than their old psych-pop records, and it continues the dark lyrical ideas that have made up most of their songs since Hissing Fauna.

    Are you a member of the band Jackyl?

    And is red or white wine appropriate for the meal?

    Well then it's a good thing Stevie Wonder can't read your post.


    You've got an axe to grind, @avclub-e2e5a2b50da03a9ddf60898ebb20ebf4:disqus ! You missed the point entirely!