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    Berkeley Breathed + dachshunds + Noah Baumbach = NEW FAVORITE MOVIE FOR @wo:disqus

    cool cool

    Was this at Summerfest in Milwaukee, 1996 or 1997?

    But then that makes me think of "You Took Advantage of Me," which is such a good song that it makes me wonder why "All She Wants to Do is Dance" is a song that anyone ever wants to hear.

    Bangles' Greatest Hits is pretty comprehensive for their Top 40 era stuff, though it pretty much skips over their psych-pop beginnings.

    Whoa. Someone didn't get their @reply to Maria Bamford favorited.


    No kidding. How shitty does a stage have to be to make TOM PETTY sound like a jumbled mess? He's got to be the easiest guy to for a sound guy to make sound OK.

    Hey, she was HILARIOUS in Bridesmaids in that one scene she was in where the camera panned to her and then you never saw her again!

    I remember it as "the wa-HACKY lady!" like they had to stop midway through saying "wacky" to laugh at her zany lady-antics.

    So he's stealing your schtick?

    I want them to get a new intern, but I also want them to check in on Eric from time to time. That guy is a delightful spaz.

    Jason is the fan favorite, but June is the secret weapon.

    I kind of want Earwolf to call a company meeting.

    I dug the Costello/Beasties performance. In part because I was getting kind of sick of "Sabotage" by that point.

    I was impressed by the DCM guy's story, and then for the fact that he simply kept up. And that he actually did a few things ("Play, or Record?", "I'm still not entirely sure what game we're playing") that were funny and moved the action of the scene.

    Some weeks are better than others with Relapsing/Remitting [MS].

    Podmass: The Rest

    I love the Tom Leykis "I Don't Care / I love it" remix on The Todd Glass Show.

    Even as a long-time fan of Jen Kirkman, I was surprised by her podcast. I'm enjoying every minute of it each week.