Stop Boring Me Zoidberg

Before I begin, I'd like to clarify that I am actually I Hate Water , and I can't log in through my disqus account after I review a movie.
I watched Ghost in the Shell this week and absolutely loved it. The effects, sets, , everything is beautiful. Scar Jo is perfectly cast, never a false note in her performance as

I probably have that DVD. Thanks for giving me a reason to watch the commentary!

Me too!

So far, Carnival Magic is just looking dull to me, but I'm not very far in. Wizards of the List Kingdom was a good one. I walked away from the screen for a while and came back to find David Carradine inexplicably in the movie. It was plenty entertaining. Agree with you about Youngery.

I was reading down to see when this point would be made. $100,000 is a lot of money to you and me, much less money to DeNiro and the guy I've never heard of before but seems to be a Kennedy. But really, it's a drop in the bucket to the kind of money you would need to conduct a piece of research like they're talking

You should take what I say with a grain of salt, since I've been married forever, I haven't dated in quite a while… With that said, I'd consider someone trying to find the exact right words to say to get me back in bed to be a red flag. To me that sounds as though he's trying to make up your mind for you.

The mall is a good neutral choice for folks who like too shop at malls and have disposable income. If that doesn't describe you, it might be best to meet up at a restaurant you both might like and eat there. You're in public and you have something to talk about (the food), you can converse semi privately. Oh, and

Did you know that there are a fuck-ton of people in Michigan right now? Did you know that this is in spite of the fact that many native Michiganders prefer to live in southern states with mild climates? It makes perfect sense that the state has produced a lot of celebrities.

You take that back! I live in Macomb, and Mr. Rock does not.

I've visited and found it delightful. Except for the cold, cold lake water. Seriously, yoopers take their candy very seriously. And cheese curds are awesome. They're much more snackable than cheese.

When we send our people over the border, we're not sending our best. Some, I guess are nice people.

Wait a minute. Are you telling me my exorbitant property taxes are NOT going to pay for public education? I was not under that impression, but I've only lived here for a few years (and know nothing about Stabenow, so thanks for the info). My home state is South Carolina did in fact eliminate property tax funding for

OMG, I started reading the headline thinking, oh wow, that's crazy. Then I realized I live in Michigan, and Kid Rock lives in Michigan and so yes this means that I have to make it a point to go vote against him.

I felt like it was done that way to be sensational, like maybe it's a bit of an homage to The Last Emperor (if I'm correctly remembering the name of the movie about the last emperor of China, it's been a while). But perhaps it is more a matter of practicality, that she can't get her boobs out of her dress without

Then who was the little body they buried?

I don't know, I guess they had all expected him to ravage her. Since he hasn't, well maybe she can ask for a annulment.

It's true! I might just have to do it!

Oh no! Santa Claws is leaving Netflix? My kid will be so disappointed next time he wants to watch that corny kitten movie! I was all ready to not care about this whole list, but right there at the end it got me.

How did you like Debut? I liked a few songs, but was not so fond of it on the whole.

I'm too old to have experienced DARE. Would you care to elaborate? I'm sure I will agree with you