
I'm not sure whether we're talking about Troy or Alexander anymore but please sign me up for the "no balls" film.

I always think I don't like Don Rickles, but then I remember he said one of my favorite movie lines (and general life advice) in Dirty Work: "How about you get a horse and live in the mountains someplace and don't bother anybody?"

I can hate her without being a misogynist, right? I don't hate her because she's a feminist, she's just a fucking annoying person who, oh yeah, is a feminist. Like, I'm sure that there are assholes that I hate who love Miracle Whip, but I don't hate them for that, I hate them because they're assholes.

Look, I learned some words from The Raconteurs' "Intimate Secretary" too, but you don't see me bragging about it.

Right? Thank god he finally found his sons.

This comment really confused me for a minute because I thought "Strangely Tina" was some sort of entity that reviewed things. I'm good now though.

Hey at least you got shrooms. He just threw a banana peel on the road in front of me.

I'm a little upset with you for making me click that "see more" button just in case there was something at the bottom, but I'll allow it this time.

Yeah, this was one of the few times where I didn't think he was possessed by Satan and instead just thought "aww, poor wittle guy, he doesn't know he's dumb!"

Is not the point of leaks that you don't….expect them?

Not going to explain because you're poor?

I'm guessing……money??

This advice could be logistically hard to follow. As such, I suggest sorting potential venues into degree of likelihood. For example:
Impossible - Germany
Unlikely - Japan

I mean couldn't they have at least kept true to the song and made Thug Passion an actual drink?

Yeah, I saw all of the online teases about "OMG this acoustic version of Carolina Drama will rock your dick off!" but when I listened to it, it's pretty much just the album version without the crescendo of electric guitar and drums that actually made it awesome in the first place.

Hahahaha my life is ruined *Rick Astley joke*

THANK YOU. Putting M&Ms in ice cream is a disgrace to the M (and M, I guess) community.

That was a goddamned lofty filmmaking joke.

Yeah, but then you'll be hungry again an hour later. Fucking MSG.

Man, just wait until you try nostalgia with actual drugs!