VAGARIES should really be spelled the way you spelled it.
VAGARIES should really be spelled the way you spelled it.
@wolf does a lot of winning over on twitter, is my guess.
Wouldn't it be hilarious if five AV Club commenters jumped out and raped Apple Jill right now?
Every time Kate McKinnon is onscreen — including the "Prima Donna" sketch, in which she didn't say a word — I cannot take my eyes off her.
Phillip : Survivor :: North Korea : International Diplomacy.
You thought Eddie's line about the larva-eating hurting his love life was just a funny throwaway… but you were wrong. Next week Andrea is quoted as "falling for" him. Larva breath and all.
Dear AV Clubbers,
Are we one hundred per cent sure that it is a Final 3, and not a Final 2?
Are we one hundred per cent sure that it is a Final 3, and not a Final 2?
I've watched Chelsea Lately exactly once, but I'm pretty sure that they're going to air a clip from Helga Lately on her show Monday Night and just fucking laughlaughlaugh, oblivious to the fact that they are being ripped.
Her performances in those two bits (Helga Lately, and the shampoo commercial w/ Sofia Vergara) were REALLY funny. Hopefully she can show her chops some time in a more conventional role, speaking normal English.
And Gilly.
I want to watch it over and over again on my DVR, and I sorta have done just that.
Question for Claire or similar AI sicko
What are the "payouts," if you will, for the top three finishers?
you forgot to say "firsties"
Haley's "Benny" finale
That was a pretty fucking great 3-4 minutes of television.
Viva Skeeter
Briefly addressed in the review, but as someone who watches retarded amounts of football every fall, wanted to say:
I would argue that unlike many, many TV shows that feature high-schoolers, FNL has done an awfully good job of staying true to the concept that these people are there for 4 years, tops (and if they happen to be upperclassmen when we meet them in Season 1, then only 1 or 2 years). The characters we meet early, and to…