Thought Avatar was Dances with Wolves in space.
There's an update to this story and it's absolutely delicious.
Give it a listen on YouTube. There is one atrociously bad song but the rest of the album is pretty good.
Toadies - Play. Rock. Music. Yes, they're still around and doing good stuff, even an occasional video here and there. https://www.youtube.com/wat…
Link is no longer available. Nooooooooooo….!!!!
Bravo, sir!
Yup, he'll always be Captain Cold to me too.
Still room for some decent new versions of Creature from the Black Lagoon and The Wolf Man but that's about it. The rest of them though… Dracula, The Invisible Man, Frankenstein have all been done to death. Honestly, I'm not sure why you'd want to reboot these. Even The Wolf Man has had a few restarts in the past…
"I only gamble with my life, never my money."
Saw a gif of Katy Perry flashing and it gave me a seizure. Don't think it was really her though.
I thought the Sasha in darkness thing was dumb. Maybe I've lost my patience with the show. I immediately rolled my eyes because, as mentioned, it telegraphed another rote sacrifice. The music she was listening to wasn't even all that great. The extra time in extended episodes are for overwrought eulogies and not…
Benny (Beni?) from the 1999 version of The Mummy. Despicable, nasty, greedy and resourceful. Loved him and loved watching him get his comeuppance.
Lenny was channeling a bit of Dana there in Haller's headspace. Was waiting for the "there is no Dana only ZUL!" line to pop at any moment.
I just hope it finishes me off quickly.
I think the post movie credits for Hot Shots! included a muffin recipe.
Protection. Yup, you could go on for hours about this movie. Gina Gershon too… my 90s crush.
"Isn't this religious?"
Van Damme would shoot them and then kick them just to be sure.