Evil Mr. Egg

I have to agree. It was constantly on the verge of a good show without ever really becoming one. I just found myself extremely irritated with all the characters and rarely laughing at what was going on.

No, you're thinking of Patton Oswalt.


Rachel Getting Married
The reception in that movie looked all kinds of fun. I wanted to be there.

I would buy this. Twice.

Count me among those who don't particularly care for this movie. And when I worked at a video store it got played over and over and over again by other nostalgic clerks. That didn't change my mind about it.

Permit me to back up a few comments there and askā€¦ "SoulSeek still exists?"

I thought his Baltimore accent was pretty bad, but I still loved him on The Wire.

She was damn funny in the UCB show on Comedy Central.

My Picks
Lost Highway, Fight Club, Spirited Away

This is why we can't have nice things.

I actually thought "corny makeout music for goth parties" was the one phrase in the review that made sense. Booger-flingin' beats? Not so much.

Ouch. That's a pretty basic fact to get wrong.

I agree. She really took one for the team here. My hat's off to you, Genevieve.

I saw him when he was touring for The Good Life and amused him by making drunk comments from the front row about his (lack of) beard. I'm a winner!

They need to up the word count on these reviews. I feel like the writers have SO MUCH MORE TO GIVE US. Instead, they barely have enough space to talk about whether or not they even like the albums.

The delicious scent of a T-bone steak.

Grand Rapids pride!
All right, my home town representin'. Incidentally, my own alma mater is Calvin's arch-rival and their most recent claim to fame was not allowing the screenwriter for Milk to speak there on account of he might have talked about gay stuff.