Mr Programme

Is that the Fry and Laurie series? I love that show.

In the words of Shaun Micallef: "Australian films are very much like my grandparents: no-one goes to see them and they’re not very interesting"

They seemed to make a big fuss in the media a few months ago about how it would do overseas as it was a feelgood crowd pleaser and this would some how relaunch the Australian film industry.

Great isn't how I would describe it.

Mark's father is probaly the best part of the seventh series.

Did anyone else watch Arthur? It seemed that show had a dream sequence twice every episode.

I haven't seen it but it's written by Bain and Armstrong so the quality of Mitchell and Webb wouldn't have much to do with it.

Do they get to the firework factory?

Add The Micallef P(r)ogram(me), Frontline, The Aunty Jack Show, Newstopia, Prisoner, Very Small Business and John Safran.

Daria is vastly better than Suburgatory.

Sounds like what I thought it would be like.

The big budget was part of the problem the jokes don't go down because they don't have the audience to work off like on the set.

Two magic related films that seem an interesting watch Magicians (2007) and Penn & Teller Get Killed (1989), are they worth watching?

I like it better than Apocalypse Now but that's probably just me as war movies aren't usually my thing.

Generally I only watch cinema verte documentaries except for arts and culture documentaries. Documentaries made after the fact can be done right, The Thin Blue Line stands up as entertaining on multiple viewing. I think the documentarian just needs to realise with film it also has to be visually interesting and when

It's called Heart of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse if that makes it easier for you to find.

He recently co-wrote and co-directed Brave but i wish he would go back to doing comics. Or I could see him being the showrunner on an Adult Swim comedy.

Also intrerestingly or uninterestingly enough Steve Purcell worked in the production unit on the show.

Lucas is shirtless in that pic.

I'd add Jo Brand and Johnny Vegas to my shortlist of favourite QI panelists.