The climactic battle in this is one of the greatest wtf sequences ever.
The climactic battle in this is one of the greatest wtf sequences ever.
Socrates Johnson
Socrates Johnson
I live a few blocks south of this State Street Park. It's a really pleasant and quiet little park with lots of shade, which is sort of surprising considering it's right next to the BQE. Whoever designed it managed to accomplish a lot with not much space.
I live a few blocks south of this State Street Park. It's a really pleasant and quiet little park with lots of shade, which is sort of surprising considering it's right next to the BQE. Whoever designed it managed to accomplish a lot with not much space.
Late Spring is truly magnificent. If you're a dad of a daughter it will gently break your soul. Although Ozu can be tough I think in that he takes an inordinate amount of patience. I'd argue that patience is rewarded, but enjoying Ozu kind of depends on how you feel about watching characters repress their feelings for…
I have a short fuse for pretentiousness and being arty/enigmatic on purpose, and yet there was something about this show I really enjoyed. I'm not really sure why - and it's not a show I could defend if someone hated the ass out of it. But I dug how weird, unpredictable, and ambitious it was. Also how it had a very…
Sorry, the music nerd in me won't shut up about saying it was actually Otis Redding who wrote RESPECT. Aretha does/always will rule, though.
The thing about Good Records is that over time they can become Important Records.
Goddam there are at least 5-7 aspects of this that are making me feel sad and old.
The "When She Loved Me" sequence in Toy Story 2 is maybe Pixar's finest moment. In just a couple minutes it captures the inevitability and sadness of change and loss as well as like an entire Bergman film.
@JL - Granted it is about 4-5 songs too long, but I love the goofy, hazy, city-summer vibe. The first half is very consistent, too. After Can I Kick It? it definitely drags though.
greatest rap/hip-hop trilogy
The PE one is solid but I'd argue the best has to be Tribe's first three: People's Instinctive Travels, Low End Theory, Midnight Marauders.
Not a lot of his manga is available here as far as I know. But "Domu" is worth tracking down. It's a pretty nuts horror/action deal with a lot of the HOLY SHIT GODDAM PSYCHIC WAR elements of "Akira." The art is outstanding.
Another Post From An Old Ass
Yeah, wow, this puppy was right in my wheelhouse too. I was 15 in 1989 and 120 Minutes and a local college station (WXCI in western Connecticut) were pretty much all I cared about besides boobies. 72 is easily the better year "critically," but for me personally the most important musical…
All I'm saying is that I'm a clinical assburgurologist. Please call for a free evaluation at 1-800-RUM-MMMP.
These are all really valid points and I think Reichardt's films are flawed - especially the inscrutable Old Joy. Her films are also humorless, which is unfortunate.
Can anyone confirm
if "A Swarm Of Beasts Nezulla" is the greatest title for anything ever? Because I think it might be. Not 100% sure though.
I can't believe The Shield isn't more popular. I know it did ok when it was on and everything, but that real mass cult appreciation so many other shows have eludes it for some reason. It's also not an obvious masterwork like The Wire and blah blah blah, but man, it's so very close.