Rasputin Horny Holy Man


I effused your wife last night

Yes, . , Dungen have indeed got more accomplished musically with each album. They have really gone down the psych/jazz path with 4 (which is fucking amazing) but Ta Det Lungt is a perfect psych rock album (also fucking amazing).

Your bahdee is a wonderland.

I believe it's spelled: "optumistic"

but she writes poetry.

Amen, Boney.

When he finally climaxes with "The right was right!" it sounded to me like "The reich was right!!"

Can someone inform these guys that there is more than one possible chord progression in music?

Dr Manhattan: Belew replaced them with a brother/sister combo who are now aged 21/22 i think, and they do a pretty good job filling in for Carey and Claypool in live shows. That is an incredible album.

So we ignore the first one, but pay attention to the one where you say nothing of consequence.
How about I just ignore them both?
I'll start now.

I, myself would really like to see a film about a homeless bum.

Is this thing on? What is this thing?

one word, mischa:

I'm just relieved that horsefellow jackass can shutup now.

I have mixed feelings about O'Rourke. He has this awesome, freewheeling gonzo energy, but I get the feeling he just writes certain things to get a rise out of people. Like Matt Stone and Trey Parker, but not as funny.

If you squint your eyes, you may spy vast glass structures in the background, friends.