
"Wouldn't it be awesome if you could go to a bar, get trashed, then have a little shot of something, and be good for the road?"

WHATEVER, I liked this episode. It's creepy and fun and no one (important) has to die. And when they reveal the creepy aliens, they look just as f'ed up as I was hoping they would!

Darmok: "But, for my own part, it was Greek to me."
Sub Rosa: "Curiosity is the wick in the candle of space-Scottich rapey ghosts"
Measure of a Man: "Always let your ethics sub-routine and programmable devotion to your mission be your guide"
Datalore: "Someone to lean on, someone to count on, someone to sick the

"Additionally, I was always bothered by the crew's horrified reaction to Data throwing Beverly into the water. Unless she can't swim, it's funny, damn it!"

What what wimmenz!!!

"First Contact is still the standard for TNG movies, though."

I wonder if Riker's probe would have been all females and Romulan Ale, save a few alien asses to kick.

Don't treald on mel!

Haha Walter, I am realizing this morning how little I did yesterday! And so far, today isn't looking exceptionally spectacular, either.

Measure of a Man isn't a bad one, just because you get to see more than one character. Inner Light would in the first 3 though, for sure.

I always likes both Gates McFadden and Dr. Crusher character. Looking back now I see how little she was really allowed to do, but at the time, she was the only strong female on the show. I appreciated (then) that they could make her have female qualities, like hair and feelings and maternal instincts, ad still be an

With mint frosting!!!

Everybody's got something to hide except me and my Android.

Mrs. Peel et. al., I think you've just convinced me to watch DS9. When is that on Netflix?

Pew pew, phasers set to stun made weren't aimed at his head
Pew pew, phasers set to stun made sure he wasn't dead

Will you still mock me, still rainbow-stripe frock me, when I'm a travelling being of light?

There's a Troi sub-plot? Damn, I don't even remember that. Maybe that's why I'm able to enjoy the episode :).

@Scruggs: I guess this kind of gets played out in Thine Own Self.


@Billy: OMG, me too. I didn't appreciate it to it's fullest when I was younger, but upon re-watching it, I found I just loved it. I've got no problem with Picard eps usually being the best ones: write to your strong suit.