
I agree, Charles! There are still some really good eps left to come.

What if they got Data? It's been the case in past eps that his Positronic Thinker can be manipulated like human brains, so if we assume that he would have also experienced the probe — what would that have been like? Would he have had emotions? Would he have been capable of producing a family? Could he have forgotten

Sajanas, there's a similar situation with Tapestry and All Good Things (if dealing with Q counts as alien communication), two other perennial faves. I would say that Measure of a Man is one of the few "Most People Love This One" eps that is both more ensemble-based and isn't really totally Picard-based. Am I

Cookie Monster, I agree with your movie assessment, on all accounts.

"Sometimes, just knowing there was beauty, and that it is lost, is enough, and in the end, all that's left are some memories, and a flute, and a single line of melody."

I've thought of all the "characters" as something like composites, or folks chosen because of their extreme normalness. Because the people are so pleasant and mild, I feel like they might be composites drawn up by folks who were deciding how they want to be remembered.

Oooh! Now do one with Vulcans!!! Then Ferengi!

The episode, review, and A+ make me sing a little flute song in my heart.

"Oh that Worf. Always such a paranoid nut. I think I'll keep him."

YAY SO EXCITED FOR THE INNER LIGHT! A well-done episode. I especially always liked Kamin's friend Batai. I wonder which of Our Favorite Contrarians will chime in to say they haaaated it? I wonder how long it will take for someone to tell the story of the flute way out-selling it's predicted auction price? I wonder

"I had problems with the concept the first time I saw this episode, in my younger grrlier days."

Sajanas: rather than goo sacks, I've always thought of us as ugly bags of mostly water.

Maybe they really were talking, but throwing their voices. It's a family-run con.

"The computer is having problems. Creates sausage instead of tea."
I'd be glad if I had a computer that only made on-demand sausages.

Eponymous, it wasn't too terribly long. It wasn't too terribly anything.

I kind of liked what they did with The Traveler and Wesley. It was definitely a little hokey and message-y, but I liked it as a metaphor — that he would go off and find himself, test the limits of what he could do, and maybe come back wiser and less irritating.

Cattvio: Also, Sub Rosa. Cost Of Living is bad; Sub Rosa is bad and offensive.

Maybe Lwaxana is also pulling a Space Costanza and faking her powers, and it runs in the family.

My college commencement speaker was Joe Biden. This was in 2003, when he was a lowly Senator from Delaware and Chairman of the Foreign Relations committee. He gave a very tepid speech about service to your country. This fell on largely deaf ears as most of the grads were majoring in film, acting, or writing (not that

Kid's show? I watched the shit out of The Tick and I was in high school.Oops!