Joe Bethersonsen

Tell my wife I said "hello".

Perfect username/comment combo.

I heard this in the voice of the Neutral Planet leader in Futurama…

I would watch the hell out of that show.

All you fuckers talking about watching this in middle school are making me feel old. Quit it.

I'm glad I'm not the only one.

I'm pretty sure that when I said this the other week my new dude fell in love with me instantly.

Way back when Parker Posey showed up on Louie, I worried my boyfriend at the time because I was so damn excited. I literally jumped up and down.

There's plenty of man ass to borrow on American Horror Story!

Children's Book, by leaps and bounds, but it's all so good!

True story: I once was on a third date with a guy I liked quite a bit, and made a Little Brudder joke. He didn't get it and was, it turns out, completely unaware of Homestar Runner.

Please, it's "everyone is different. No two people are not on fire".

I thought it would be too, but I feel like all the scariest parts are parked into the trailer. It isn't really a 90 minute panic attack.

Agreed. HP3 is by far my favorite, and there wasn't an HP film I didn't like. Another thing I thought I noticed about HP3, and I'm not sure if anyone else did: there was a LOT more background dialogue. After rewatching a couple of times I noticed a ton of little conversations that weren't important to that plot but