
They treat Vincent so much better than TVD treated Bonnie. I'm equal parts glad and bitter

Season 4 was the most consistently good the show has ever been, too. I can only hope 5 is as character-focused and tightly plotted, because otherwise it will just be a shame to ruin such a strong ending

How dare you

It's funny how the Johnny Depp Lite thing is still apt, but now as a compliment

I fully support inventing some kind of grease monster or pointing out the creepy-ass clown to scare them off the place for a few more years. My diet isn't perfect, but I feel like being introduced to that kind of food later in life really helped. When I do have it it's a treat but my body recognises that it's garbage

Uh… duh. And obese adults should do the same. But so far pointing that out hasn't made a dent in the obesity epidemic and general unnecessarily poor diet/health of privileged western people, so forgive us for thinking critically about small changes that might help.

I think it's more about the cultural side of it, because it really is bizarre that kids, who need nutrition the most, constantly have total garbage marketed to them. Ordering shitty high-calorie low-value food for kids is the norm and even nice restaurants encourage it, I think that's a valid criticism to have

My parents managed to keep the very notion of McDonalds out of my brain until my friends started having birthday parties there in elementary school, and I never felt like I was missing out on anything

Why is any unplanned pregnancy associated with being trailer park trash? Would that description have fit Lorelai? I don't like Rory much (particularly in the revival) but it's not like she's handing in food stamps, she's just figuring things out

I mean Lost has it's flaws, but a lack of foreshadowing isn't one of them

As a TV show they must be planning to foreshadow that in some way, right? Up and changing your genre 3 seasons in would be pretty ballsy

Same for me whenever there's a murder-by-car. I'm not sure if that's become a more frequent occurrence or it's Baader-Meinhof

I hated this book. A lot.

The only thing I'm aware of her being personally responsible for is that completely unforgivable bathroom scene, but that alone was enough to turn me off her work

I still give more credence to an artist who has firsthand experience with an illness than audiences who don't, but I see your point.

Honestly I have even less desire to read anything else about how heroically brave it is to be a conservative in this ~crazy PC world~ and at this point I don't have much faith in their capacity for meaningful self-reflection, let alone self-criticism or genuine humility. And this isn't even in my angry liberal voice,

The only time I've heard it pronounced they said "Doy-tch", but maybe that was a line

And when she's proudly like "Daddy gets paid to yell at people, but he yells at me for free cus I'm his daughter"

"What's with you, kid?"

The Radcliffe/Watson chemistry? Emma and Tom Felton were totally into each other irl