
Yeah, when she was like "I've never seen him outside his house. I've never seen him with a shirt on!" I was like… how?

He was doing that play in season one, I guess we can assume he's been involved in a few projects like that at least


This show contains exchanges like:

Actually, I was wondering if the Deputy was going to be more important considering all his screen time lately, you might be onto something there

Assuming Maze Runner will be a big franchise is pretty generous considering how all the other teen book adaptations pimped out since Hunger Games have gone

I wish Fox wouldn't fuck around with episode order so often, I've never seen an instance where it's been really worth it

and we're supposed to not judge him for still considering a future with someone engaged to his best friend

The thing about Ted/Robin that irks me is that they were completely, 100% platonic friends for like 3 or 4 whole seasons after they broke up, then all of a sudden he was out of nowhere professing love for her again, then they were fine, then again spontaneously he loves her again and we're supposed to buy it / care.

I think VM Rob Thomas's twitter bio used to literally be "not THAT Rob Thomas"

Yeah, personally I'd almost rather no review at all than wasting time every week hoping these will be serious

To Hannah her entire career/future is dangling by a thread, I can kinda understand her desperation to get it worked out overpowering social decency in that situation. The thing with her dad sucked, but people tend to take out their pain on the entirely wrong person, and often a person they trust to love them anyway

If only it had been Veronica Mars creator Rob Thomas

Hannah wondering whether she's better off now than when she was having her breakdown made me think maybe they're hinting that her meds are restricting/changing her emotional responses to things like this

whaaat, I think Allison Williams nails it. Especially considering her lack of experience

Britta's line "Troy is leaving for a year, or maybe more" felt like the show leaving room Donald Glover to come back somewhere down the line if he wants to

I loved how embarrassingly realistic it is when Marnie is like "this party is a great distraction from my breakup, plus I'll get heaps of pictures to put on my instagram, which he totally checks"

Poor Marnie…

I guess it's like when people say girls with daddy issues are a certain way in bed, which is also creepy as fuck

That's sad. I don't understand why people waste so much time and energy aggressively hating and attacking Dunham and her show. It reminds me of the way teenage boys are about Justin Bieber, which says a lot.