
Sean is going to give you a sort of vague answer that is as non-insulting to Fred as possible.

He also was in a minor role on Arrested Development. My "Hey This Person Was on Malcolm in the Middle" sense went off, as it has before with Stanley and Phyllis from the Office.

I don't understand what you want us to do.

This song appeals to me
Yes, I agree, people and luggage are so wack!

Waiting for the bus in DC is delightful. I once had a very fat man with long red hair detail to me exactly how he would fuck every female that walked by.

Department of Irony releases press statement: "Why Don't You Just Make A PSA With Mel Gibson and Michael Richards For Racial Tolerance"

My friend's father was giving me a ride home and asked me what music I liked. I said R.E.M. He noted how indebted R.E.M. was to the Beatles and I kind of disagreed. He kicked me out of the car.
He might have been right, but I was 10.

Make like a tree
And get out of here

Yeah, the bots are actually fun. I'm glad a game has them again; the last game I played with 'em was Timesplitters 2.

Et tu, guy who confused two different Shakespeare plays?

I'd like to think this is in reference to the two gimmick posters above you.

I really hope Clinton's scene actually doesn't emphasize the fact that he's Bill Clinton— like, he's just in the background briefly, doing normal people stuff.

"Well it looks like they some advertisers that didn't laugh at them"
TLC also someone eat it.
"500k people"
Try about 400k less and you'd be right!

Freedom Fan, I am impressed by your trolling.

Thank God, I was worried we weren't going to get a serious treatment of the holocaust, but… Uwe Boll. Whew.


I hear he also makes movies sometimes.

Michael Myers was freaking out in first class during this performance.

Awww, I missed it!

Planters Peanuts: No Touching!