
Looking at the picture, I'd just be surprised if he could fit in the thing.

You mean the guy in the diaper wasn't spending money like water? I preferred that version of reality better.
"Eventually, we had to let the diaper guy go- he was just enamored with living the rock star life."

Thank you for inscrutably explaining this list's purpose.

UHF uses a very similar effect when Milo returns to his home planet.

I don't think it sucks… but… I don't see the point, that much. What really separates the Hidden Cameras album from whatever else pretentious arty album covers? I don't see it. A few of these are indeed awful, but not enough to justify this list.

Wait, is this an ass crack?

My gay!
I will commence the couch jumping immediately.

Not until you tell me there's something wrong with me!

"Michael Scott as a depressed action hero"
I think you mean Michael Scarn.

Man, I'm not lame enough to make a list but I would like to protest the lack of comedies here.

And that's all anyone has to say about that.

Cumming the fragrance? Boy the inner 12 year old in me is desperately trying to get out.

Navigate me through the journey? Now every Unforgivable Woman comes with a free Diddy map!

I have to agree. You really did give too much away there. Just stick with "I like dogs" from now on.

Boy what a fascinating blog post
I had no idea the music industry often features errors in establishing database connections.

In 100 years, our movies will be compliations of cute kittens and babies and nothing else.

Please don't tell me that there are people out there that seriously like I Heart Huckabees. Everyone I watched it with stopped 30 minutes in, but I watched all the way through, hoping something would happen.

We remain, as always, cautiously optimistic.

Hey, so including Portal AND Left 4 Dead on this list is ridiculous.

Best character class