Stanislaw Lem

I was fully expecting Bosnian Rainbows to be some unrestrained, crazy guitar wankery (I say this as a Mars Volta fan). Instead, their first released song (Torn Maps) sounds like some kind of 80s pop and is goddamn catchy as hell.

Cedric: "I’m really excited to hear another side of him and to work on music without me. He’s composing all the music, playing all the instruments, literally doing everything himself, rather than just singing over the top of my songs.”

Dancing on the corpse's ashes?
Danc ing on the corpse 's ash es?

Sure. You could pick somebody else, somebody who actually himself *claimed* to be a religious figure of any kind, but that'll just get you a bunch of narcissist psycho cult leaders.

I think the joke was about the perception of a never-ending stream of similar-sounding songs coming out of him, which taken to its logical extreme would require him to just continuously sing every thought that occurs to him (which are all about nearby events and objects, I guess).

Ah. I figured that Sweet Emotion could be lumped in with the rest of Aerosmith's non-Dream-On stuff because Tyler's doing his usual funky white guy act. But, okay, that's a pretty good guitar riff.

"Two good tracks"… what's the second best Aerosmith song supposed to be?

I was right with you until you went ad hominem!

You missed a Linkin Park soundalike band covering "In the Air Tonight" over the end credits!

Whad'ya got there, the old… leather pumpkin…?

herp derp derp derp herp derp

"Hecklers make comedy memorable in the same way muggers make vacations memorable."

Unfortunately, it's the same comic timing used by Chandler Bing.

people around Mary smart smart smart.

people around Mary smart smart smart.

Whatchu wanna oardar fuar lonch tuday!

Whatchu wanna oardar fuar lonch tuday!

yetiglanchi, baby.

yetiglanchi, baby.

But he has said other things where he transposes those phonemes! (I clearly recall him referring to himself as Will Smiff at some point.) So it's not racist (as some have implied), it's just will-smith-ist.