The Pensive Lenny

Quack Quack Quack.

Exactly! Not with the olive branch, but the bayonet!. Ah Simpson, you're like the son I never had.

Yeah, so is Homer getting fired. That doesn't necessarily mean it isn't funny.

I don't want to live anymore.

No, that joke is a perfect cap to the absurd re-establishing of Communism. I'm pretty sure that actually happened in Russia, but they didn't let the news get out.

Ehhhh, one more thing *cough,* one.. *clears throat* I should get a glass of water.

What gives you the right to assume my sexual orientation? I'm sick of people assuming "blank" I feel "blank." How would you feel if I said " Oh, your gay so that makes you feel a certain way."

I'm not worried that this movie will be bad; I'm worried it will be as soulless as every other kids 3d-animated feature. The worst thing that could happen to this movie is being generic.

"These syrup stains are the worst!" The lines where Bart pronounces something as the worst always says me.

No, Eric isn't the only person who uses racial slurs in the series. Sexuality has nothing to do with appreciating a T.V. series. Maybe next time you should actually know what you are talking about before you share your oppinion.

Tolerance: the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular
the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily
agree with. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wi…

South Park tries to push everyone's buttons all the time. To focus on one thing like the insensitive use of a word completely misses the point of the show. In South Park's opinion the only way to treat everyone as equals is to treat everyone like shit; nobody gets it easy in South Park, not even its creators.

Maybe some level of rules: no pointless guest star etc.. But I also don't want them impeding the off chance of having a good episode from a crazy idea that breaks those rules.

The problem is that some show runners/directors of animation emphasized continuity more so than others. Throughout the entire run of the series has been both and neither because of its longevity.

I've never gotten this argument: "too cartoonish." It is a cartoon! It has an elastic reality not bound by conventions of reality, and when they stretch it, I don't mind. I will admit there are limits, like that awful episode last year when Kang and Kotos abducted them in a non-halloween episode, but there are plenty

He used to be smart as chimp.

Sounds like she's hitting a baby with a cat.

Beside using the short hand "the series is in decline" the reviewers could go in-depth into what they perceive makes it in decline. Also, rotating a reviewer every week means we don't get a consistent voice as readers and basically every reviewer takes the same route into the episode and we keep re-reading it.

I always viewed it as he's turned on too many projectors and its subtly hinting that his entire practice is based around it.

No. Just, no. The sex of the parent is arbitrary when a child is questioning their genetic lineage. Homer and Marge's sex have nothing to do with the story. In an alternative universe where the genders were swapped on The Simpsons the story would function in exactly the same way.