
First, awesome episode.  Parks wins best Christmas episode I think (with HIMYM a surprising second). 
Second, Adam Scott needs more scenes with Jean Ralphio and especially Jason Mantzoukas, their different styles make their interactions amazing.

I agree with the A on this one, great episode.  I do think it was a little odd to have 3 episodes in a row of Leslie acting the same way but it also kind of makes sense when you look at this as a mini-arc and all 3 episodes had plenty of laughs and found a great groove so it's not really a problem.


I recently started watching Cheers for the first time and I agree that it is pretty timeless.  I was very surprised at how much I liked it and how funny it was from the very beginning.  I actually started watching it because Mike Schur (spelling?) of Parks and Rec did a whole long piece about how it's his favorite

Not bad.  Dibs on "Ronald Ray-Gun," as well as all subsidiary and animation rights.

I don't know what it is about "Raising Hope" but something about that poor people aesthetic just doesn't work for me in comedies.  Same for "My Name is Earl" and even "King of the Hill."  I'm kind of turned away before really giving the show a chance, though I definitely think "King of the Hill" is great and watched

This was a pretty good episode.  It was more pleasant and enjoyable than laugh out loud funny but I sill really liked it.

Great episode.  Britta is definitely the MVP so far this season.  Also, I hope they continue the evil Troy and Abed story as a series of tags or something.

Interesting, I took that as a shot at Phil because his wife always tells him what to do anyway so his home is like a prison.

Goddamn, she's like a Republican's worst nightmare.

A little surprised by the score as I thought this episode was sort of flat.  I think just having two separate stories made each one feel really small too, I especially expected the Chang film noir thing to have a lot more to it.  A bit disappointing to tell the truth.

Yeah, I didn't mean to compare the two directly, I know that's definitely not fair.  Just saying it's nice to see a show that has its footing so firmly in place after watching some of these newer shows. 

So I just started watching this show because we got rid of cable and I'm enjoying it a lot.  Based on these reviews I guess the show has been better in the past but it's still really good compared to most other comedies.  I would still put it behind Parks and Community but it's miles ahead of most of the other

I didn't hate season 6 but I'm definitely not going to defend it much and the plotting did go off the rails.  I just meant  stuff like "who is Jacob?"  There were so many theories, a bunch of which got it pretty correctly if I recall that there was no surprise left by the time his backstory came around (in one of the

I have no idea who poisoned the kid, at first I really didn't think it was Walt just because of logistics, not because he wouldn't do it, but some of you guys have swayed me to the other side.

This was my first time watching and I really liked it.  The pace is great.  I checked it out mainly because of the involvement of UCBers and b/c I thought Damon Wayans Jr. was pretty funny on New Girl.

Please add the word "thing" to that last sentence, as it's what I meant and the sentence won't end with a preposition that way.

Just chiming in to say I also enjoyed this a lot more than 2 Broke Girls.  Just not having the laugh track makes this more pleasant.  Also, I think this is more of a B, if we're doing that grading the show against itself and what we think it's capable of.

It's kind of cool to have these daily but also super depressing so once a week wouldn't be too bad.  I guess I don't have to see that shows I like get pummeled in the ratings every day.

Like George Costanza, I flew too close to the sun on wings of pastrami.