
What the hell!? When are you coming to Palestine?  We have way more martyrs than concerts!


Also, FIRST and SECOND!  Do I give myself canceraids?

When will you guys do AV Club Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill.  This is the perfect area for AV Club, tons of stuff going down plus like a million pretentious college kids who can comment on Tree of Life articles.  Also, I need a job.

That's true, maybe it's me and not Radiohead.  I bet if King of Limbs had come out even five years ago I would have been in everyone's face about how good it is and they just don't get it.

Sorry, I can't pretend that Radiohead is awesome anymore.  I just don't like the whole electronica thing at all and I've kind of given up on waiting for them to get back to making good rock records.  Which is cool because they made some amazing ones and I'm glad they're doing what they like.  I couldn't even sit

Actually watched it this week. Rant away!

This is a real bummer.  I can't believe the numbers that something like Big Bang Theory gets.  I'm not sure if we're lucky that these shows are on NBC so they're harder to cancel or if the low ratings are a result of them being on NBC?

I couldn't even get through that whole opening sequence on Whitney.  Horrible jokes and the laugh track just made their horribleness all the more jarring.

Hot Shots Part Deux
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Robin Williams maybe?  Mrs. Doubtfire & Jumanji (was there a monkey in that?).  Shit, I don't know.

Don't remember that one but I remember there were urban legends that 1) the black ranger only had 4 fingers and that 2) the black ranger was Wayne Brady.

the Year of the Vagina is my favorite Infinite Jest section.

It'll chew you up and spit you out.

A TV's vagina still isn't as good as the real thing, ya know.  A TV just isn't a woman.

Pretty great episode.  Just a few thoughts.

**Spoilers** (like it really matters)

Douglas Allen Smith, Jr.
He's the man with the name you'd like to touch…

Little Things
Damn this show is good. Some really great acting this week and another powerful ending. Please please please please don't cancel this FX.

I know, it's not a big difference but still. This episode had some great moments, the "he does my taxes" line cracked me up. I also loved the direction in the scene with Britt and Jason in Britt's house as the camera goes back and forth between them while Steph climbs into the attic in the background.