
I mean without the whole kidnapping trickery nonsense, if that wasn't clear.

Is that a stealth reference to TERRIERS? Well, whether it is or not, everyone watch TERRIERS on FX.

uh oh
I really hope this isn't a trend and these were just two weak episodes. I was kind of worried this would happen. I felt like the last 2 seasons were some of the strongest so far and the show got a lot of buzz and looks like their budget went up too. Seems like shows always get famous after their strongest

I missed the creepy.
This was a great episode. So many people with so many problems. Unfortunately, I figured once he started playing guitar at the end that would just role into the credits and stopped paying attention, missing the mysterious attic dweller. I have no idea what that could mean or who it is, but I

Aside from Felicity and Gob…
I did think some of the other characters were pretty weak and annoying, especially the neighbor and that guy who takes care of him (not the driver). Hopefully they can fix that and it would be fun if David Cross just occasionally dropped in.

The running Volvo/Vulva gag. I got the initial joke but later Lindsey says she doesn't want the Volvo because "it's too boxy."

Not too bad
That wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. I loved the AD reference (…made a huge mistake).