The Headless Corpse of Roger W

…Only one tab?

To be fair, he never said he kisses them on the mouth.

I clicked on the article just to find this comment. Thank you.

@avclub-ffc905126015cdc6758873970fb59828:disqus  Oh, yeah, I remember watching that when it aired.I remember it being a lot more boring in practice than anything else.

@avclub-aa854f5836947cdf62324ba7d74e1c43:disqus  until it started targeting everyone's parents.

@avclub-d89b833158f0d9a73fd33bb243fe5786:disqus  All good points. I'm just saying that I think seeing "LISA NEEDS BRACES" pop up ad nauseam also qualifies as "a mess of self-masturbatory fanwank."

@itisdancing:disqus  Oh, just pointing out that calling the user base for TVTropes geeky and weird from the depths of the AV Club comments (something that happens a lot here) is a textbook example of the pot calling the kettle black. That's all.

@itisdancing:disqus  "No, it's just that you start noticing that [rampant threads of quoting Simpsons/Breaking Bad/The Wire/etc. memes] tend to crowd out discussion of anything interesting. And once you start noticing it, you can't stop."

"why the hell would Jess care?"

Well, having the opposite problem isn't exactly better.

A quick google search shows that, back in September, Bloody Disgusting was spreading a story about him being cast in the same role. Guess it fell through / was bullshit.

I'm still hoping that Arthur the horse becomes a companion like Moffatt claimed he wanted back when he wrote "the girl in the fireplace."

I'm from the opposite end of the continental US and I fucking love this episode. Then again, I also have a bias towards superheroes and existential-esque talk of purpose. And devil robots.

Since WR&H span multiple dimensions, they've probably got a lot of places to choose from, too.

@jerodast:disqus  "P.S. 'With all due respect', much like 'no offense', typically is
followed by statements indicating a lack of respect. And repurposing
someone else's words to rhetorically slap them is not cute or clever,
and is a great way to demonstrate petulance - which you'll note was
first used by a supposed

@avclub-b7ee6f5f9aa5cd17ca1aea43ce848496:disqus  "Wesley is the greatest character ever, but he's the worst goddamn person."

Commercialism vs. Art.

@avclub-80b5d920603b925f72c429ddba032e72:disqus Hnefatafl (yeah, "King's Table"), according to wikipedia. The setup is a little different though. Pieces are grouped on all four sides and the center, for example.

This was my first exposure to McCoy, and I honestly liked it better than Chris seems to - though I agree it's wildly uneven. Though, I like Lovecraftian villains and Norse mythology*, so I could be biased.