The Headless Corpse of Roger W

@avclub-94d8526a5fae933806f65b8a0f49301a:disqus Gotta point out, the structure/sequence of deaths in Alien was a very deliberate subversion of cliches (Parker died fourth, Dallas normally would've been the last standing, etc.).

Everyone always mentions his work with Nolan, no one ever mentions Blade: Trinity. It's telling.

@avclub-b9a8f4af85454f7c56c06f0a39e7ec23:disqus  Doing any one thing for eternity would suck, but being cut off from those around you only encourages you to be self-centered. That's the definition of a reward.

@avclub-ef062084a1c4a3584af1d4f8e514ea50:disqus  Wow. I remember some theorizing about Merle, but…

I'm surprised he didn't mention what he did actually see: Shane training his sights on Rick in the forest. Wasn't that a huge fucking deal when it happened?

I seem to remember that when they finally were attacked the cans did nothing. While they were asleep, no less.

They weren't smart enough to think that at the reservoir, either. I think they literally don't know the meaning of the word.

I was so excited when I saw his name in the credits. Watching him get shot in the head was so depressing after he proved he could handle a scene better than half the cast.

@avclub-452b283efad05d7e7ff9f42ec80b06cb:disqus  You're using "punishment" when the proper word is "reward."

"Their punishment was to lie mud unshielded from the rain, their eyes blind and their ears deaf to those around them"

Uh… Why did I not get a notification for a show I'm following?

Ah, duh. Sorry, that's a good point.

"This is undoubtedly a shitty move by Marvel.  It turns an old man into
an object lesson for other creators and creates a bad precedent."

'70s comics had a horror resurgence for some reason - cocaine sounds about as good as anything else. It's also where Blade, Morbius and Swamp Thing all came from, and there's a whole wave of others that are mostly ignored now.

About. There might be tax.

I'm legitimately interested in an idea from a previous roundup: We should get a Kickstarter account and see how long it takes to get enough money to just buy NBC.

*ahem* Kidz is the proper English spelling.

Grave of the Fireflies. It's about as far from "upbeat, abstract genre" as you can get.

Can we start clamoring for Paranoia Agent reviews now? Some of the individual episodes might adhere too strongly to the same structure, but it's definitely worth the look.