The Headless Corpse of Roger W

I've honestly been wondering if people would make a big deal out of it. I think there's only one other FLCL avatar here.

@avclub-4acd793a645f227d84ddb7c4c3f16603:disqus  Coming off of season 2 everything looked less funny, and season 3 as a whole was uneven.

Rabin's "bizarre hate boner" popped up about a full season after more and more commenters started complaining about how far downhill the show had gone (season 3-ish).

Rubber Man with a hood?

@avclub-78b6e39336f2cc0745a2944f919541a4:disqus  Yet.

You might want to try the file-sharing sites, these days the discs are rare enough to be prohibitively expensive.

Apparently, South Park never went over very well in Japan but the animation team were binging episode of it during production and loved it.

The only bit of Avatar that I've seen get directly compared to FLCL is the drug trip in the desert.

"They had a similar thing going with Rachel Ray. I'm English so I
know her as a TV chef but perhaps she has killed several kids or

He's trying to provide a causative link between his firing and her hiring. It's not an airtight case, but if employment is merit-based, as most people consider legitimate employment to be, then it's not unreasonable to say a firing was undeserved by calling into question the competency of the replacement. And,

But his accusations about her incompetency are what make the difference between "a man being fired and replaced by a woman who can do the job better" and "a man being fired because he's not a woman."

Glad someone finally said it.

@avclub-e992e46f4b560ad29e2a2b0db253ec7e:disqus putting an 'at' sign in your message will open a dropdown menu where you can select a name. Sometimes it's a bit of a crap shoot.

"Haruko resting her head atop Naota"

Shit, that might be necessary no matter what.

They were the highlights of a bad episode. Though the scene with his father was on the verge of being ruined by terrible exposition, it was tense enough and the make-up really added to his inhumanity.

The cause of and solution to* all of life's problems: Michael Bay.

I think his perv dad routine goes over the edge when you add the context of the rest of the episode. Like Hayden said: even if it isn't sexual, Kamon has basically been helping to destroy her life up to that point. His egomania is anything but harmless.

I cannot like this enough.