The Headless Corpse of Roger W

How about Mamimi hiding, albeit very poorly, how her personal life has disintegrated? She was also wearing a cat hat in the down-by-the-river scene.

That math caught me by surprise during that scene. First time I realized Sam Neill's pushing 65.

"Hauser's grief over losing [Lucy] back in '63"

…And that just convinced me to give it a shot.

@avclub-e3f5ab7f02122f95b801e13e2c586d6a:disqus  Fair point, and I don't want to get too far into a "who watches what" slippery slope. I just don't like equating being selected for a Nielsen box with being a more responsive viewer.

@avclub-9cbac99b96b86db11c3cb9501e695e31:disqus  "it doesn't prove anything about the viewing tastes of the general public."

Wait………….  what kind of facials?

@avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus  That depends on what you mean by a "solution." Characters get motivations and phenomena/plot points are explained. Even though you get it all second-hand, the last episodes do help the first episodes make sense. Each time you watch it, things come together more. But

I'm so not an expert in any of this, but just regurgitating history classes and Wikipedia:

You might have to give it another viewing or two. It makes great comfort tv for when you're sick and hopped up on your medicine of choice. I've been lazily revisiting the show on and off since I first saw it on [adult swim] in 2003.

Yeah, I'm surprised by the lack of hand talk. Which, I didn't realize until reading this, is a theme that'll only get more prominent as the series goes on.

@avclub-e206d507b0f7294235c3940292f60ac0:disqus  you forgot [citation needed].


Yeah, but what you're describing are "classics." Napoleon Dynamite is no Dark Side of the Moon.

@avclub-19db33a7920e55ba3a32ab69d87f65b8:disqus  It hasn't really been the main thrust of arguments, but some people have supported claims that Polanski has "served time" already in Europe with the idea that his artistic worth / cultural significance is too high to send him to jail. Seriously.

@avclub-312ecfdfa8b239e076b114498ce21905:disqus  , @avclub-6562c5c1f33db6e05a082a88cddab5ea:disqus : Honestly, I never did either until I looked it up. I think the second one's an effect of overuse watering it down and causing confusion - like the clusterfuck over what 'literally' actually means.

The fact that you were blaming Rabin's writing for the well-known qualities of the subject suggested you were having trouble with it.

"I really don't see how someone's haircut and suit can display any of their innate qualities."

From M&W:

The japanese director apparently considers the english dub to be the definitive version. It's anomalously good.